Monday, August 6, 2007

Rock and Bowl Will Never Die...

[click image to play video]


davi said...

I love the movies.
in fact i lok so foward to them as treats.
and you two always please..

goddamn, you are making me into a warhol star....
and I like it....!
I am camera shy if you didnt relize it yet,
but with you my "love,"
i give it a try...

dirty socks is soooooooo good.
Mvp almost tiping over on his release, is classic.
Kyokos stike makes me jealous.
Kumi's ass wiggle makes me want to, ohhhh, you know, beat off.... :P

I got one word for you, (in my best boogie nights accent)
Where the fuck is "Ronny Ringo"?????

chama said...

interesting to see how different the way people throw a bowl. MVP one is defintely special... hope he recoverd from his injury.